Neuroscience Based Solutions

Science-based programs for individuals and teams 
offering a practical framework of self-regulation tools and resilience-building 
practices that help cultivate coherence and clarity in the face of change.

Picture This!
Your organization comprised of individuals who are less burdened by stress and open to change, with higher levels of engagement, creativity, and productivity.
CosmoBeing Offer 


Welcome to a transformative journey that will empower your business executives and teams to reach new heights of success. HeartMath is designed to enhance leadership skills, improve team cohesion, and boost overall well-being.

Why HeartMath?

In the fast-paced world of business, stress and pressure can take a toll on executives and their teams. HeartMath offers a unique approach to resilience, performance, and well-being by integrating science-based techniques with practical tools.

Change Your Mind...Create New Results Workshop
Experience the transformative power of NeuroChangeSolutions' distinctive workshop, "Change Your Mind... Create New Results," rooted in neuroscience principles. Through this program and accompanying coaching, you can unlock the same valuable insight that countless individuals and leading organizations worldwide have discovered: Change is indeed attainable.

Unleash Potential: Your Catalyst for Sustainable Change in 
Leadership Teams.

Benefits you will gain from this training

  • Enhanced ability for swift decision-making
  • Heightened focus and improved productivity
  • Decreased levels of stress and improved emotional balance
  • Heightened flexibility, adaptability and resilience
  • Boosted problem-solving and creative abilities
  • Increased motivation and engagement
  • Improved effectiveness in communication
  • Augmented overall well-being

This exclusive proprietary program draws inspiration from the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza, an internationally renowned lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, and bestselling author, as well as the underlying neuroscience principles behind the concept of change.

In the current era of knowledge abundance, where information is readily available, individuals have begun to recognize the detrimental effects of stress on their lives and the patterns they had adopted while merely surviving.
This program presents individuals with an invaluable opportunity to liberate themselves from the burdens of life's stressors and embark on a transformative journey, leading to a new way of living. By doing so, participants can not only attain their personal goals but also make strides in their professional pursuits. 
The tools offered within this program empower individuals to broaden their horizons, unveiling unprecedented solutions and opportunities in life. Through unwavering commitment and consistent practice, participants are accomplishing ambitious objectives that they once believed were unattainable.

We help leaders overcome barriers, and 
work toward achieving their goals successfully.

Get in Touch

Let's talk about your next transformation